"Having been appointed as the youngest executive at 27 in a large multi-national engineering firm I had enjoyed the challenges and esteem that leading divisions with several hundred employees can bring. I was happily married to the most beautiful woman I had even met and we had two beautiful and talented kids who were absolutely shining examples of what kids could be. With everything seemingly going according to plan I couldn't explain the scowl on the face of the person looking back at me in the mirror. Surely he should be happier with all of this?
Surely the esteem from colleagues and the international holidays should have brought the message home that all was well and that the life of little means he had grown up with was a thing of the past. But the look was unmistakable. Disappointed taunting, cynical and angry.
Warren did not take long to discover what was going on. Most of the coaches and trainers I had worked with before only helped me to work on the next set of goals. Warren looked straight through the facade and cut to the core issues. As we started working on the unconscious things that were driving my behavior and my life, I discovered that many things were not as they seemed and that some of my motives were not only negative, but also not delivering me to what I was truly after. The process of coaching regularly with Warren has helped me to become more aware and more masterful in managing my thoughts, actions and life. Even after working with Warren over a number of years, I'm still amazed at what he notices and what still lurks in my blind spots. I've discovered why the top performers in any field keep working with coaches. I am grateful to have Warren in my corner. As I look back and see how much has happened since my initial training, I am excited about how much more is possible.”
Quintin Lamprecht
Managing Director, Allbro Group (Manufacturing and Distribution, employing 640 people in South Africa)