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Sometimes I Just Need a Break?

Sometimes I Just Need a Break!

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just ask life to stop for a while and let us recoup from the constant situations, pressures, crises and responsibilities that never seem to stop?

Sometimes I want to shout out loud . . . Enough!!

If you are anything like me, my to-do list keeps adding on the more items I cross off.

When will we finally get to an imagined place where “all is right with the world” and “we have plenty of time to enjoy”. Easy, pressure-free and pleasurable.

If we really tell the truth, we have limited control over all that life continues to bring us.

Given that reality, how do we maintain sanity and balance, and continue to have hope in such a fast-paced world?

I have found it begins with stopping the race long enough to know what it is that we are racing towards. And if we look deeper, this often has a component of what it is we are running from.

Our mental emotional software is often running unconsciously and on auto pilot.

As we sprint towards the future, with unnoticed fears from our past nipping at our heels, we miss the moment we are in, the opportunity to let go of what does not serve us and rightfully claim what is ours to bring to life.

Stopping and taking a breath is an excellent place to start.

And if you get off the “Stress and Driven” treadmill . . .

. . . a life of purpose, fulfillment and peace awaits you.

Ready to go exploring? I am at your service to guide you on that journey.

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