Evolution of Mastery

Learn how to stand strong in the midst of turmoil, personal battles, and emotional wounds.
Even more importantly, to stop and acknowledge your tremendous internal growth, the battles won, the undeniable evolution of our own Personal Mastery.
The title of the course says it all; the coming together of intention, skill, creativity, and presence in order to create the space for breakthrough, connection and new solid ground on which the Spiritual Warrior can stand.
This year’s course is taking place in a truly magical location that will fuel the potency of our time together. Ghost Ranch is a stunning venue located in the magic of Abiquiu, New Mexico.
The cadence of Evolution of Mastery is quite different from what you experienced at Way of a Warrior or Living Yes. We’ll come together as a small group (no more than 26) with morning movements to start the day awake to each precious moment. Morning and evening sessions will be rich, illuminating, and filled with new possibilities. Your afternoons will allow time for reflection, writing, walking, meditation, rest and integration of the work that is unfolding in you.
Join this magical gathering where together, we will fervently dig into all of this material – the battles and the wins, the trials and the glory – as Warriors of the Spirit at Evolution of Mastery in September 2018.
Pre-requisite: More to LIfe or Launchpad, Way of a Warrior